I Love Technology

Anyone who says money can't buy you happiness obviously never had any. Money, that is. George Bernard Shaw said it, I think. Or should have, if he didn't.

Money does buy you happiness. Or rather, it buys you the option of doing things that make you happy.

Take technology, for instance. Now, most technology or at least, most good technology, doesn't come cheap. But every once in a while it surprises you by letting you do things that have absolutely nothing to do with technology and everything to do with making you happy.

For years I've neglected two loves of my life- photography and doodling. It happens when more and more of your day starts filling up with work and you have less and less time left for life. It's cumbersome carrying a camera and a sketchbook everywhere, all the time, and if you don't you're kind of missing the point.

So the smart phone that I paid a bomb for about a year ago is now finally paying me back. It's my phone so it's always with me. Very convenient, if said phone has the ability to double up as a mobile sketchbook and digital Lomo camera! Suddenly I seem to be able to make at least as much time as it takes me to whip the phone out and indulge!

Here's a little but of what's made me happy these last many months-

Talking Of The Weather

I need to get this off my chest- It's insane fun sitting in on a business call and updating your blog instead! There I've said it. It's out of the way now. So, on to other things...

Of all the cities I've lived in, Bangalore has to be my candidate for the city with the most reasons for not liking it. Take your pick- too many people with too many cars, too few roads to drive around on, pot holes and open drains, rains that pounce on you, unannounced, any time of year, too many techies, too many wannabe artists, too few real artists, hefty security deposits if you choose to rent a house, hefty down payments if you choose to buy one, ad infinitum, ad nauseum!

And yet, here I am, in Bangalore. Waking up insanely happy on most days. All the bad traffic, bad roads and bad tempered people can't seem to wipe the smile off my face when I get into bed at night.

And I believe I have to put it down to the weather. I've lived in places that have been either too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry, too sweaty or too windy but this has to be the only city I've lived in that's altogether nice, all year round! It's the only city I know that seems to have a year long spring!

Hence the good mood. There's something about pleasant weather that puts me in a pleasant frame of mind. Cheers to the weather, then, what?

Hello Boys, I'm Back!

In a brand new avataar, with a brand new template. After a two year hiatus it feels good to be dusting the cobwebs again. As you can see, I've moved cities. There's a few new things I've been doing with my time- this and this, for example. It just feels right to start writing again, you know.

So here's to interesting times. Cheers!