It is 4.37 in the ay-em. And I am, uncharacteristically, awake. Part of it has to do with a very fucked up sleep cycle on account of just having been through an extended weekend.
The other, larger part has to do with Wall.E
Yeah. The animated Disney-Pixar film. The one that I've been watching for the last couple of hours (almost). Its funny how a story about robots can leave one awake and pondering about life, love and other mushy bits in the wee hours of the morning!
This one's going to turn into a rant about 'directives'. I know that. I can see it coming. Or, as someone I once knew would've put it- I can feel it in my water. But perhaps that is a post for another time. For after breakfast, maybe. Some things need to be reviewed in the light of a full stomach.