3x3 | Sex-Appeal Articulated

[Photos courtesy getty and inmagine]


the snake said...

interesting moodboard...but why so serious..where is the smile..isn't a smiling face part of the appeal at times..

Sahil said...


yes, this may seem like a mood board made with the blinkers on but that happens, often, when one is trying to abstract things down to the 'essentials'

so... ummm... no, a smile is not essential to 'sex appeal'. not to me, leastaways.

a bonus, perhaps? now there's a thought... :)

My Unfinished Life said...

i believe all these images have been airbrushed and photshopped..before being put public..which is not suprising..consdiering how skewed our idea of beauty and sex appeal is.....
for real sex appeal..check out the khajuraho images...they may be thousands of years old and in stone...but their sex appeal is timeless and classy...

Sahil said...


your point is well taken... khajuraho is most certainly a timeless homage to sexuality...

but it would be a mistake, and a gross one at that, to think that those poems in stone haven't been 'airbrushed' or 'photoshopped' in their own way... down the ages we, as humans, have always (to an extent) stylised our imagery in keeping with the 'fashion' of our times... and by fashion i mean simply our perception of the things around us- what we consider beautiful and what we consider gross...

the buxom statuettes of khajuraho are as much a stylisation of sexuality, beauty and desirability as the waif-thin kate moss is today...

just a small word in my defense- as a professional who has to understand and interpret 'form' on a daily basis in order to earn his bread, it is a little passtime of mine- a hobby if you will, to try and break down an abstract, intangible concept into its constituent formal elements... this little matrix of pictures is just my attempt at doing the same to 'sex appeal'... of course, as such, it is severely limited by my perception, understanding and appreciation of what 'I' consider beautiful...

do keep visiting...

cheers :)
