"Sahil is inspired!"
I didn't realise what I had started with what I thought was a fairly innocuous statement.
For starters, I received a lot of questions in response. Questions like 'What are you inspired by?', and others with a similar drift. I received these questions as facebook comments, over the email, on the chat and, in one awakening instance, a concerned friend calling me late in the night from a different time zone! My answer was, a fairly anemic sounding 'The world, dude!'. Which did kind of sum it up nicely while completely failing to mention what it was that it was summing up.
So I thought an explanation was due. So I thought since I was going to be thinking anyway, and trying to articulate my thoughts through words anyway, I may as well do it here and make a post of it. It may turn out to be a completely meaningless post for the most part, but it will be a post nonetheless. Another little box ticked for today.
So here's what inspired me to announce I was inspired-
- The fact that I quit my job. Really. Just like that. More or less. If you knew me you'd know, also, that its not something I've been known to do. But I did it. I did it because something had been gnawing me from the inside for a long time now. A thought. It made me very dissatisfied with my work and my life, and what I had made it. Don't get me wrong- there's nothing quite wrong about what I do for a living. But it wasn't bringing any meaning to my life. It wasn't defining who I am. And now I see a life of possibilities ahead of me. I begin to see myself as separate from the work I do. And that means I can see myself in a completely new light. I know I might fail. But if I do I'm going to make a celebration of it. And that is inspirng.
- The fact that a lot of my colleagues, friends and professional acquaintances have approached me since I've quit and expressed their solidarity with what I'm planning to do. Everyone has been congratulatory. Most have been supportive. My closest friends, and my parents, have been believing. And many have offered their unconditional help. There are people who want to be a part of what I am going to start. People who share the same vision for this world we live in. That is inspiring.
- The fact that I don't have to see my work as a job anymore. Work is whatever I want to make of it. If I can make money out of what I enjoy doing, that's work enough for me. I can travel. I can write. I can make pictures. I can design. I can do a hundred other things that I've had a mind to do. And it won't be a job. It will be a life. And that is inspiring.
- The fact that I will be moving out of Ahmedabad soon. Five years in one place can dull your senses somewhat. Living in a comfort zone is nice. But its a tad dangerous for someone who makes a living forging order out of chaos. Life is out there in the boundary regions- that fuzzy zone between confusion and knowing. And I will be moving there. That is inspiring.
- The fact that a friend wrote me this. I will be moving to a city that I've never much fancied. Never much liked. It feels empowering to know that there's at least one person in that place that looks forward to my being there. It feels great to be wanted. It feels great to be loved. And that is inspiring.
Life is inspiring. If you have it in you to be inspired by it. Every problem is also an opportunity. All you need is to be able to look at it with hope rather than despair. Sahil loves to talk in cliches!
But you don't have to take my word for it. A lot of people seem to think so. Believe so. People who've made it their life's mission to be inspired by life and change the world. Go take a look. Perhaps you'll come away inspired...
i have never missed you as much as i missed you today after reading this.
missingly jealously yours...
"Sahil loves to talk in cliches!".. yes, he does, but he has done something unusual.. he has believed and implemented all that others just say.
He's taken the first step, yes. The future is a blur, but a dashed tempting one ;)
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