I'm sorry I don't have an excuse for this!

A schoolboy crush on a 20 something film star, if it hits you when you're touching 30 and over a decade out of school, can be quite discomfiting!

I remember watching an extremely sanitised version of Blue Lagoon as a schoolkid and falling head-over-heels in love with the then nubile Brooke Shields (yeah well, we all have moments in our past that underscore our dodgy taste, don't we?). I had a huge poster of the love of my life (a rather flattering black and white affair from Archie's that I had to wait a month to receive after I had paid in full) put up in my room and wrote her mushy poems in a tattered, but lovingly maintained, diary that, happily, has not survived the ravages of the succeeding years. My parents were scandalised but rationalised it as a rebellious display of raging hormones and new found sexuality.

Now, of course, things are much easier. I don't have to wait a month for gratification. I have google images, imdb, facebook and orkut fan pages and scores of celebrity tracker websites- all vying for my time, and the opportunity to satiate my prurient longing (sic).

What I don't have, however, is rationale. My constant rebellion has found other, more fruitful avenues to express itself. My raging hormones have settled down into an efficient, harmonious rhythm and my sexuality is hardly new found anymore!

And yet, despite the hilarity of the situation, I find myself succumbing to this deep, urgent need to do a quick google. I haven't seen if she photographs well against white backgrounds or in swimsuits or in natural light or without cans and cans of matte effect make up. Perhaps I'll strike lucky this time? Maybe her phone number will turn up on the 69th page? There could be a contest, lurking somewhere on page 101, that gets me a dinner date with her? Sure it's a chance in a million, but with a billion people in this country alone those've got be great odds, right?

I will, probably, have to hit the gym and get my very own set of six packs, just in case the date thingie does happen (don't even think about saying it!). I'll have to hire a stylist. I'll have to get myself a PR person, just in case the date thingie doesn't happen, to get me to all the dos she frequents. A few dance lessons won't hurt either, methinks.

I'm told her current boyfriend has a substantial fan following in his own right so I'll probably need to start and fund a few fan clubs of my own (suitably financed through proxy off-shore accounts and untraceable, looped back wire transfers). Ah, what the hell, while I'm at it I may as well buy myself a couple of pre-emptive cosmetic enhancements courtesy the marvels of modern medical science and technology.

I wonder if my family will be as understanding this time around. I mean, its a sordid tale underneath all this hilarity. But love hurts, right?



the snake said...

all this but not a photo of Brooke Shields [or whoever is the latest born-again childhood crush]...am disappointed..and now you even have the power of google..still..

Sahil said...

you're chronically disappointed with my posts, aren't you?
and you never bother reading through the whole post before commenting, do you?
and you never, ever get the point of it all, do you?

oh with friends like these, who needs critics?! :P

the snake said...

chronically disappointed...nah, there have been times,rare, but existent, when i felt like taking the town out for a party after reading a post...

i always read the entire post..okay..i don't read the labels all the time..but you can pardon me for that...cant you?

hmm...as for the point...may i have a swimsuit clad white backgrounded Brooke Shields instead...short hair preferable..:P

Sahil said...

hahhahhah! the town out for a party you say? when was the last time that happened?! :)

the post wasn't about brooke shields at all. i buried her years ago when i wasn't yet 15! she featured in the post merely to illustrate how schoolboy crushes at 30 are, in many ways, exactly the same as schoolboy crushes at 15. except for the tiny point about not having an excuse this time around...

in any case this was supposed to be a mildly self-depracatingly hilarious post.. i don't think that worked out, did it?
oh well... c'est la vie... but i'm sure as hell not telling you who i have a crush on just so you can add insult to injury :P

Sahil said...

on second thoughts, snakey, she's quite pretty in all the right ways. looks fantastic in short hair. and has a deep, sultry voice that's, unfortunately, modulated to 'pleasantness' in most of her films.

just so you know. just so you stay interested. :P


Hemal Desai said...

lol, long suppressed emotions over-poring today? Interestingly adolescent crush’s remain the same over time, may be the intensity goes up and down or does it really? I think as we grow up we just either grow out of it as a natural course of growing up or sometimes we shove it back or at least do not bring it up in regular conversation with the fear of sounding un-normal (however what is normal?) .

nirvana demon said...

okay, saahilbhai.....
uve gotten me piqued. who's this chick, eh? which movie is she in? is she a 18-year old nymphet with 6 films and an attractive boyfriend in hand? tho, considering she's hollywood, i'd more likely say 30-something and two kids in hand. has her proactive fertility made u desire her evermore or do u consciously deny the symbols of her fecundity?
tell us, tell us al!
PS: Brooke shields in blue lagoon?? man, that's kinky. ure one twisted fuck aren't u?

Sahil said...

I'm not telling anything, demon.
All I will admit is that I am one twisted fuck, for that is common knowledge ;)

Saumya said...

not twisted whateva, alrighte but i wish you do hook a date or somethin.. so tat we see what comes off the styling, six packs and cosmetic changes..!
