Kindered Spirits

A musty melancholy settles on me
like days old cigarette smoke.

A dog-end lingers between my fingers
and a coffee cup, unattended, festers.
I miss you friend, for it was never about the coffee
but the bond we shared-
a meeting of minds
a celebration
of kindred spirits.


Just call me 'A' said...

reading your prose and poetry, remind me of my school days when we studied literature and had to interpret poetry and prose of famous poets like Tennyson, Wordworth, Byron etc. This is so much more difficult that that :).

Sahil said...

heh heh... you do them an injustice... tennyson, wordsworth, byron and etc would all be turning in their graves, the poor chaps...

or, perhaps, you mean my verse is rather obscure... hmmmm... very likely that must be the case ;)

Vikram said...

Is this a preface of future senti posts, looking back...:)

Sahil said...

Is this a preface of future senti posts?
Perhaps it is... Or, perhaps, its the solitary record of one evening spent wallowing in the grief of parting from a friend- that rarest of gifts...

I assure you I remain, still, a proud cynic at heart... This aberration notwithstanding... ;)

the snake said...


Just call me 'A' said...

obscure....well not really, but if it was it would be because of a lack of understanding rather than clarity of expression.
